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David Hoese

Software Engineer
University of Wisconsin - Madison, Space Science and Engineering Center

Dave Hoese graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in computer engineering in 2011 from the University of Wisconsin - Madison. After graduating he continued his work as a software engineer at the Space Science and Engineering Center (SSEC) at UW - Madison. His work involves writing software for researchers, forecasters, and the rest of the scientific community to make meteorological instrument data easier to find, use, and understand. At the SSEC Dave is part of teams, include the Community Satellite Processing Package (CSPP) team, that release open source applications like Polar2Grid, Geo2Grid, and SIFT. This work has lead to Dave being a core developer on various open source python packages like SatPy, VisPy, PyResample, and aggdraw among others.

Dave is a certified software carpentry instructor. He has helped teach scientific programming skills at multiple software carpentry workshops. In addition to these workshops, Dave has conducted tutorials on git at the SSEC to introduce his coworkers to git, gitlab, and github. Dave has started programmer brown bag meetings at the SSEC to have programmers update each other on their projects as well as introduce them to new programming libraries and concepts.

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