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Keynote Speakers

Stuart Geiger
Stuart Geiger is a staff ethnographer and a principal investigator at the UC-Berkeley Institute for Data Science. He studies the people, platforms, infrastructures, and institutions that support the production of knowledge, particularly in decentralized and open organizations, including free/open-source software development and scientific research. His work has examined topics including newcomer socialization, community governance, distributed collaboration, invisible work, burnout, career paths, and fairness, accountability, and transparency in machine learning. His Ph.D work at the UC-Berkeley School of Information studied the governance and moderation of Wikipedia, focusing on the social roles of software developers and data scientists. He is a methodological and disciplinary pluralist, integrating approaches from across the humanities, the qualitative and quantitative social sciences, and computer, information, and data science. His work has been published in venues including Computer-Supported Cooperative Work, American Behavioral Scientist, Information, Communication & Society, and Big Data & Society. Stuart is also an instructor with Software Carpentry and the core maintainer of AcademicPages, a GitHub Pages template for personal academic websites.
Rachel Thomas
Rachel Thomas was selected by Forbes as one of “20 Incredible Women in AI”, earned her math PhD at Duke, and was an early engineer at Uber. She is co-founder of fast.ai, which created the “Practical Deep Learning for Coders” course that over 200,000 students have taken. Rachel is a popular writer and keynote speaker. Her writing has been read by over half a million people; has been translated into Chinese, Spanish, Korean, & Portuguese; and has made the front page of Hacker News 9x. She is on twitter @math_rachel and her website is http://www.fast.ai/about/#rachel

Carol Willing
Carol serves on Project Jupyter’s Steering Council and works as a Core Developer on JupyterHub and mybinder.org. She serves as a co-editor of The Journal of Open Source Education (JOSE) and co-authored an open source book, Teaching and Learning with Jupyter.
She is a member of Python’s inaugural Steering Council and a core developer of CPython. She’s a Python Software Foundation Fellow and former Director. With a strong commitment to community outreach, Carol co-organizes PyLadies San Diego and San Diego Python User Group.
Carol has an MS in Management from MIT and a BSE in Electrical Engineering from Duke University.

SciPy 2019
July 8th - 14th
Austin, Tx.