Information for Presenters
Speaker Registration
Have You Registered?
All speakers and poster presenters need to register. As a community conference we can't waive these fees as they are used for direct conference expenses and are essential to keeping the conference at the high quality it is.
Bio Information for Presenters Page
Please complete the form here: https://www.scipy2019.scipy.org/speaker-bios so we can include you on the presenters page. You received the password in your talk or poster acceptance email. Feel free to contact SciPy@enthought.com if you need it resent.
Review and Proceedings
Optional papers will be published in the conference proceedings and are being requested following abstract acceptance. This year, we hope to have the proceedings available prior to the conference to help attendees navigate the conference. Full papers are also encouraged to accompany all accepted talks and posters.
These will be reviewed for inclusion in the proceedings. Instructions for submitting a full paper can be found here: https://github.com/scipy-conference/scipy_proceedings.
Submissions for review will be due May 14th, at which point reviews will begin. By working synchronously with your reviewers, all final revisions will be due June 25th. Please address any questions about full paper submission to Proceedings Co-Chairs David Lippa dalippa [at] gmail.com, DillonNiederhut dniederhut [at] enthought.com, Chris Calloway cbc [at]unc.edu and David Shupe dave.shupe [at] gmail.com.
May 21: First Draft Paper Submission Due
May 21- June 25: Review and Revision of Full Papers
June 25: Final Full Paper Revisions Due
July 10: Conference Ready Proceedings Published
July 30: Final Proceedings Published
If you choose to submit a paper to the SciPy Proceedings, you grant the SciPy Conference the right to publish the paper in the SciPy Proceedings and to register the paper for a DOI.
Talk Guidelines​
Speakers are encouraged to use their own laptops to present, though the session chair may provide a laptop for speakers who do not have one. We will have standard VGA, DVI, HDMI and some standard mac adapters to connect your computer to the projector.
If your computer needs a special adapter, please plan to bring one along.
Talks are scheduled for 25 minutes each with 5 minutes for questions.
Poster Guidelines​
Poster presenters are asked to set up your posters, in the Ballroom before 9:00 am on Wednesday, July 10th. (The Grand Ballroom will be available for set up between 7:30 and 9:00 am on Wednesday, July 110h.) Your poster will remain on display there through the entirety of the conference.
Presenters will stand near their posters during the poster session, Wednesday evening. Please retrieve your poster on Friday, July 12th during the lunch break.
Please bring a poster of reasonable size. Our poster stands are made up of 2 upright poles, 2 horizontal bars and 2 bases (no wheels.) Posters are commonly 36 or 42 inches tall and can be 72 inches wide. Posters that are taller can hang below the bottom horizontal bar.
We use foam core board on our stands in case someone needs to pin something to the background. We provide large metal clips to fasten posters to the metal bars if needed, and we will have some thumbtacks available to help fasten items to the foam core boards, if needed.
If you need to make any changes to the title, description or co-authors on your talk or poster, please contact Jill Cowan scipy@enthought.com.