Virtual Poster Session
There is so much incredible research taking place in the SciPy community and we are excited to be able to share some of it with you through the SciPy 2020 virtual poster session. Please spend some time exploring the submissions. There is a Slack channel specifically dedicated to the poster session. We encourage you to post questions or comments to the authors of the posters.
We are also pleased to announce our first "Best Poster Contest". We ask all registered attendees to vote on the poster they deem “best” based on the level of the research, quality of the poster, innovation, and clarity. The two top winners will receive a certificate and monetary prize. Please vote using this google form. Voting will end on Thursday, July 9 at 5:00 pm CDT.
1. Applied Data Science for Offer Response in Deceased Kidney Organ Transplantation
Authors: Morgan Stuart, Andrew Placona
2. Balance of Plant Network Simulation for a Boiling Water Nuclear Reactor
Authors: Austin Rotker, Valmor F. de Alemeida
3. Basin DNA: Gaining Subsurface Insight using Unsupervised Learning on Heterogenous Data
Authors: Antoine Vialaussavy, Daniel Conlin, Joel Graves, Pooja Rani, Jeremy Vila
4. Bringing New Life to an Agent-based Fish Model Using the Scientific Python Stack
Authors: Zachary Sherman, Robert Jackson, Jason Hemedinger, Andy Huttenga, Paul Tarpey, John Hayse,
5. Building Machine Learning Pipelines with Kubeflow
Author: William Horton
6. CiteAs.org: Bridging the Gap in Software Citation
Authors: C. Fan Du, James Howison, Heather Piwowar, Jason Priem, Patrice Lopez
7. Combining Physics-based and Data-driven Modeling for Well Construction
Authors: Oney Erge, Eric van Oort
8. Computation Techniques for Encrypted Data
Author: Gajendra Deshpande
9. Compyle: Python Once, Parallel Computing Anywhere
Authors: Aditya Bhosale, Prabhu Ramachandran
10. Creating Interactive Network Visualizations with Pyvis and VisJS
Author: Giancarlo Perrone
11. Customizing JupyterLab Using Extensions
Authors: Alex Bozarth, Martha Cryan,
12. Daskify an MPI Application for Distribution Using Dask : Learnings during Implementation
Authors: Sangeeth Keeriyadath, Pradipta Ghosh
13. Decentralized, Deterministic Robot Swarm Control using Blob Methods for PDEs
Authors: Matt Haberland, Karthik Elamvazhuthi, Olga Turanova, Katy Craig,
14. Distributed Parallel Computing for Pressurized-Flow Dynamic Simulations
Author: Gerardo Riano-Briceno, Lina Sela, Ben Hodges
15. GIXStapose: An Interactive Morphology and Diffraction Viewer
Authors: Jenny Fothergill, Eric Jankowski
16. Go Explore! Brining Python to Shell’s Geoscience Community
Authors: Yuanzhong Fan, Nathan Suurmeyer
17. Having your Cake and Eating it: Exploiting Python for Programmer Productivity and Performance on Micro-core Architectures Using ePython
Authors: Maurice Jamieson, Nick Brown
18. High-performance Operator Evaluations with Ease of Use: libCEED's Python Interface
Authors: Valeria Barra, Jed Brown, Jeremy Thompson, Yohann Dudouit
19. Hyperparameters--Auto-tuning to Make Performance Sing with Optuna
Author: Crissman Loomis,
20. Introduction to FEM Analysis with Python
Author: Tetsuo Koyama
21. libEnsemble: a Python Library for Dynamic Ensemble-Based Computations
Authors: David Bindel, Stephen Hudson, Jeffrey Larson, John-Luke Navarro, Stefan Wild,
22. Matched Filter Mismatch Losses in MPSK and MQAM Using Semi-Analytic BEP Modeling
Authors: Mark Wickert, David Peckham
23. MetPy's Meteorological Data Parsing Abilities: From Surface to Upper Air
Authors: Maxwell Grover, Ryan May
24. MoSDeF: Molecular Simulation Design Framework, Open-source Software toward Reproducible Computational Simulation
Authors: Co Quach, Matt Thompson, Justin Gilmer, Alexander Yang, Ray Matsumoto, Parashara Shamaprasad, Andrew Summers, Christopher Iacovella, Clare McCabe, Peter Cummings,
25. Napari: Multi-dimensional Image Visualization in Python
Authors: Kira Evans, Talley Lambert, Kevin Yamauchi, Ahmet Can Solak, Shannon Axelrod, Loïc Royer, Juan Nunez-Iglesias, Nicholas Sofroniew
26. Netlist Analysis and Transformation Using SpyDrNet
Authors: Dallin Skouson, Andrew Keller, Michael Wirthlin
27. Nonlinear Reduced Order Models for Structural Dynamics with Variational Autoencoders
Authors: David Najera, Christopher Van Damme
28. OOF: Open-source Finite Element Analysis for Materials
Authors: Andrew Reid, Shahriyar Keshavarz
29. Packaging Data and Machine Learning Models for Sharing
Author: Elle O'Brien
30. Parallel Programming with PyCOMPSs
Authors: Rosa M. Badia, Javier Álvarez Cid-Fuentes, Javier Conejero,
31. Parsita: The Easiest Way to Parse Text in Python
Author: David Hagen
32. Performance Evaluation of Calorimeter Clustering Algorithms
Authors: Alexandra Ballow, Alina Lazar
33. Predicting ADHD Questionnaire Scores from Motor Behavior Using Machine Learning in Python
Authors: Anton Leontyev, Takashi Yamauchi, Moein Razavi
34. Prototype to Production: Python Tools for Rapid Web Interface Development
Authors: Scott Christensen, Marvin Brown
35. Pyaesar: A Multi-Node Multi-Processor API
Authors: Jamil Gafur, David Howard Neill-Asanza, Carrie Manore, Geoffrey Fairchild,
36. Pydra - A Flexible and Lightweight Dataflow Engine for Scientific Analyses
Authors: Dorota Jarecka, Mathias Goncalves, Christopher Markiewicz, Oscar Esteban, Jakub Kaczmarzyk,
Satrajit Ghosh
37. Pymer4: Bringing R’s Powerful Mixed-modeling to Python
Author: Eshin Jolly
38. pynucastro: A Python Library for Exploring Nuclear Reaction Rates (Coming soon)
Authors: Michael Zingale, Donald Willcox, Lyra Cao, Kiran Eiden, Xinlong Li
39. Python for Ground Motion Processing: Streamlining I/O for Accelerogram Data Files
Authors: Heather Schovanec, Mike Hearne, John Rekoske
40. Python at the Speed of Light : Introducing EinsteinPy, a Tool for General Relativity
Author: Shreyas Bapat, Indian Institute of Technology Mandi, The EinsteinPy Project
41. PyTorch-Based Neural Network Approximation of ODE Solutions
Authors: Yue Wu, Arthur Edison, Jonathan Arnold, Shannon Quinn, Heinz-Bernd Schuttler, Michael Judge
42. Quasi-orthonormal Encoding for Machine Learning Applications
Author: Haw-Minn Lu
43. Real-Time Software Defined Radio Using Python
Authors: Andrew Smit, Mark Wickert
44. Reproducibility in Research Data Science
Authors: Ana Trisovic, Merce Crosas,
45. Role of Linestring Modification in Prevention of Road Network Subgraphs
Authors: Mehmet Kunt, Jennifer Zuehlke, Randy Machemehl,
46. Sea Level Rise and Terminal Impairment in Coastal Housing Markets
Authors: Jacob Dice, David Rodziewicz, Chris Amante, Eugene Wahl
47. Securing Your Collaborative Jupyter Notebooks in the Cloud using Container and Load Balancing Services
Authors: Haw-Minn Lu, Adrian Kwong
48. Selecting and Productionizing a Nearest Neighbor Datastore
Authors: Aaron Wieczorek, Rafael Turner, Jackie Kazil
49. Shadow: A Workflow Scheduling Algorithm Reference and Testing Framework
Author: Ryan Bunney
50. Spectral Analysis of Mitochondrial Dynamics: A Graph-Theoretic Approach to Understanding Subcellular Pathology
Authors: Marcus Hill, Mojtaba Fazli, Rachel Mattson, Andrew Durden, Frederick Quinn, Chakra Chennubhotla,
Shannon Quinn
51. Streamflow Prediction Using Network-aware Deep Learning in the Cloud
Authors: Jeffrey Sadler, Xiaowei Jia, Alison Appling, Samantha Oliver, Jordan Read, Vipin Kumar, Grey Nearing, Frederik Kratzert, Joseph Hamman, Richard Signell
52. STUMPY: A Powerful and Scalable Python Library for Modern Time Series Analysis
Author: Sean Law
53. Test your Code with the Scientific Method!
Author: Zac Hatfield-Dodds
54. Unsupervised Representation of Cilia Video Using A Modular Generative Pipeline
Authors: Meekail Zain, Quinn Wyner, Nathan Safir, Alex Eldridge, Bella Humphrey, Sonia Rao,
Shannon Quinn
55. Using Domain Storytelling to Develop a Context Aware Framework to Support Interdisciplinary Scientific Inquiry in yt
Authors: Samantha Walkow, Matthew Turk
Authors: Akshay Paropkari, Clarissa Nobile, Suzanne Sindi
57. Visualizing Hidden Layers of a Deep Convolutional Neural Network in Atmospheric Science Applications
Authors: Maria Molina, David John Gagne, Andreas Prein,
58. Yet Another Acquisition: The Yaq Daemon Interface for Heterogeneous Instrumentation
Authors: Kyle Sunden, Blaise Thompson, John Wright
59. zfit: Scalable Pythonic Fitting
Authors: Jonas Eschle, Albert Puig Navarro,Rafael Silva Coutinho, Nicola Serra, Matthieu Marinangeli